Student Services

Student Services Leader
Mickleham Secondary College considers the wellbeing of the students to be an essential part of their learning. The primary goal of our dedicated Student Wellbeing Team is to ensure students feel safe, engaged and connected at school.

The team is coordinated by our Student Services Leader, Elise Keith.

There is an Expectations Matrix which outlines appropriate behaviours and responsibilities for all students. The school uses a Positive Behaviours Program in all classes.

Year Level Coordinator
Community is one of our core values at Mickleham Secondary College. We consider each cohort a community, with our year level coordinator working with students and a team of ARCH home group mentors to provide community links, foster connectedness, and oversee learning and well being for those students within each year level.


Our ARCH home group sessions and led by our home group mentors each Monday morning at the College. Our ARCH program is inspired by our College values of:


ARCH is key to our strong sense of community across the School. There are many threads to the program – both formal and informal – and all have the intention of addressing the wellbeing of each student at their point of need.

Mental Health Practitioner, DET SSS

Mickleham Secondary College has a mental health practitioner as part of our Wellbeing Team. The role of our Mental Health Practitioner includes mental health prevention and promotion, short term support for students including direct counseling, and coordinating support with other services for students with complex needs.

Our College also has strong ties with the Department Student Support Services, which works as a multi-disciplinary team supporting our College and students.

Respectful Relationships

In 2023, the school is introducing the Respectful Relationships program for all students. The program learning materials have been designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills in young people have been shown to improve health related outcomes and subjective well-being and reduce antisocial behaviours. The program will include Health Education and guest speakers and external agencies to ensure the best all round care and resources for our young people.

The Respectful Relationships program includes eight topics on social and emotional learning:

Emotional Literacy

Personal Strengths

Positive Coping

Problem Solving

Stress Management/Safer Socialising

Help Seeking/Peer Support

Gender and Identity

Positive Gender Relations

House Groups
Each student at Mickleham Secondary College is in a House, these are the groups the students will be in for the duration of their journey here at the college.

Our House’s were created by our foundation student body, who collaborated together and democratically decided what our House system would look like, shaping the path for future generations to come.

Our House’s are: Bennelong, Freeman, Goodes, Scott

  • Bennelong

    Inspired by: Woollarawarre Bennelong

    House Colour: Green

    Mascot: Snake

  • Freeman

    Inspired by: Cathy Freeman

    House Colour: Yellow

    Mascot: Kangaroo

  • Goodes

    Inspired by: Adam Goodes

    House Colour: Blue

    Mascot: Wedge Tail Eagle

  • Scott

    Inspired by: Dr Evelyn Scott

    House Colour: Orange

    Mascot: Numbat